Brand exposure means getting seen by more eyeballs, making more impressions, boosting brand recognition, and ultimately, increasing your sales. Branding is so important that the biggest companies spend hundreds of thousands of dollars getting it right. However, just as your brand design is incredibly important, so is how you show it off. In this short guide, we’ll look at how you can boost your brand exposure, getting your branded items seen by more people across your target audience.

Branded Merchandise
One of the most important ways to extend the reach of your brand is to give out merchandise or even sell branded items that will be worn and used by people that you interact with. Many firms completely overlook the benefits of smart branded merchandise and, therefore, don’t enjoy the vastly increased exposure that it can generate.
For instance, selling or giving out custom golf hats as a corporate gift could help your brand get spotted in that most business-adjacent of arenas: on the golf course. Offering free pens to staff, visitors, conference attendees, and corporate partners can mean that your brand is ever-present in their working day. Think clearly about the kind of merchandise you can produce, often in partnership with a professional merchandise agency, to get the most out of this brand exposure tactic.
Branded Content
Your marketing content is the lifeblood of your sales generation. Every time you run a marketing campaign, you’ll be using images and videos to sell your brand, your business, and ultimately, your products and services to consumers. In this case, you want to make your marketing materials not only engaging and attractive but also branded. You need your brand to be prominent on every marketing item you send out online.
While this might seem like a simple tip, you’d be surprised at just how many brands shrink away from being up-front about who they are and what they represent. The boldest brands will happily share more about themselves, their personality, and their mission, which means that those that do not do this might even seem sheepish or nervous. Besides, getting your brand front and centre of your marketing activity boosts brand recognition, trust, and sales on your website.
Branded Thought Leadership
Finally, sales can be generated by one piece of writing that is so thoughtful and on-point that those that read it cannot help but check out your website. This is especially important for companies that are B2B or providing services to other businesses. Showing that you’re abreast of the issues they care about, with articles featured in the trade journals that they read, can go a long way to reassuring them that your brand is the one they should partner with.
Try to release at least one piece of thought leadership a month, even if it’s in a LinkedIn blog post. You want to have your thinking and your brand’s missions front and centre of these pieces to show just what you’re about.
Spread your brand’s mission, personality, and professionalism far and wide with the three tips outlined in this article.