Did you know that WordPress is the most popular open source CMS in the world? Approximately 15% of websites in the world use them. But that’s just one side of the coin. With increasing popularity, it will be just opening doors for h@ckers and exploits. You need to take care to protect your WordPress Installation.
Installed your First Blog: Time to Prepare for the worst
While installing WordPress you must enter a username for the administrator account. Choose something other than the traditional “admin”, the goal is to put a spoke in the wheels to those who want to hurt your site. Don’t let brute force attacks get your blog soon. Choose a complex password combination out of your creating or an online password generator. Do not save it anywhere in the digital format, write it down on your notepad
Update WordPress Regularly
You should also keep your WordPress Blog upto date, do not forget to install the updates when they are available in your dashboard. Migrating to the latest version of WordPress, you can prevent hackers from exploiting the bugs from previous versions.
Hide your Folders
Your WordPress Folders might be accessible to the public. For example, by entering the following URL: yoursite.com / wp-content / plugins anyone can see the plugins you use and therefore exploit potential vulnerabilities…
Modify your .Htaccess file and enter the following line in it
Options All-Indexes
Prevent BruteForce
BruteForce is one of the most popular techniques to get hold of passwords by trying every possible combination of letters and numbers and sometimes special characters to match the password. Use Login LockDown plugin to limit the amount of failed login tries from a single I.P
It is better to relocate your wp-admin folder or re-name to make it impossible for hackers to visually track down your admin login URL
If there was only one thing to do to secure your WordPress site files, it would be to perform regular backups. I have already got hacked once I lost tons of data because I’ve ignored to make regular backup of my site database and files
Most of the leading Hosting companies offer Free Scheduled Backups, Make sure you have it properly configured; It’s a matter of minutes