Nowadays, cyber crime has become a great problem, a large number of web accounts are getting hacked every day. This may make you anxious about your web accounts. To protect your accounts, you must have a strong password for your account. Passwords are known as the “first line of defense” against the cyber crimes, it prevents any unauthorized access to your web accounts. If you can make your passwords really strong, it will keep you free from the tension of online hacking.
There are several steps to create a strong password for web accounts, all of them are very much needed for the safety of any web account. Here some steps are given to make a password really strong.
Basic Steps of Making Strong Password
If you are a new internet user, you may find it difficult to create a strong password for your web account. You can try to get secure and easy solution. But it is not that much harder, you just need to follow some simple steps to create strong passwords for your web accounts. Some useful steps are:
- Minimum eight characters long password: Always use at least eight characters to create a password. The more characters you use, the more strength your password gets. Generally everyone uses 12-16 characters to make a strong password.
- Use both uppercase and lower-case letters: Most of the websites have the case sensitive password option. So, it is recommended to use both upper and lower-case letters occasionally throughout the password.
- Add the numbers: It is better if you use some numbers in your password. But don’t add them in the beginning or ending of your password, as it is easy to break down, rather you should use them in the middle.
Some Advance Steps
There are some advance steps to make your password secure. They are-
- Use symbols with letters and numbers: If you make your password longer, it will become harder to crack. Adding symbols in your password will make it even safer, as symbols are very hard to crack down.
- Create unique passwords: If you have more than one web account, create different and unique passwords for every account. If one of your accounts gets hacked somehow, you don’t have worry about other accounts.
- Create password with your own phrase: Don’t use any common phrase, use your own phrases to create strong passwords for your web accounts.
Things You Should Not Do
There are some simple things that you have to avoid in order to create strong passwords for your web accounts. These simple steps are:
- Don’t use your phone number
- Never use a single number or word
- Don’t create a password with your personal information like where you work or which street you live
- Never use inverted words
Recovery Options
Now you know how to create strong passwords for your web accounts find out find out more. But you should also create a recovery option like a personal question, phone number or email address, it will help you in case you forget your password. Always keep your password up-to-date and feel safe.